
托马斯·查尔默斯·麦克劳克林,M.S.W., Ph.D.


Co-Director for the Social Work Center for 研究 and Evaluation


Hersey Hall Some room on the 4th Floor of Hersey Hall-(BTW, its Hersey not HERSHEY like the chocolate)

Born and raised in rural Maine town with no traffic lights and a limited number of stop signs, 汤姆是个完美的缅因州人. Tom savors all things Maine which are loosely defined by the four seasons of "sea scallop season"; "maple syrup season"; "raspberry season" and, 当然, “苹果采摘季节”. 

Tom is humbled by the Maine accent in his speech as it reminds him of his sense of place, 他来自哪里.  然而, Tom’s international colleagues and friends from away claim he is saving his “r’s” for later in life.

Two Mainers who Tom considers to be heroes are Francis Perkins, the longest serving Secretary of Labor in US history and Marjorie Standish whose cookbooks "Cooking the Maine Way" and "Keep Cooking the Maine Way" provide a daily source of inspiration.

Tom's has been fortunate that his research and teaching has taken him all over the world. He has taught classes to graduate MBA students under a Banyan tree in Nitte、印度-(a huge honor reserved for special guests), trudged across a Finnish college campus in snow to a meet and colleague and discuss the concept of “social exclusion” in Seinajoki-(they have never heard of the concept of cancelling school or a meeting because of snow and he had never heard of the term social exclusion); and taught a class to Czech social work students on the “ism’s” associated with capitalism after visiting Dina Babbitt exhibit in Brno.-(Babbitt, a holocaust survivor and amazing painter)

Tom and his wife enjoy the sport of triathlon racing and can often be found running and biking the streets of Portland and beyond and swimming in Casco Bay.






Cost effectiveness of social services with people who are homeless; cost shifting analysis of people with mental illness from traditional funding sources to emergency care, assessment of service deliveries and systems for people with mental illness.


查尔默斯·麦克劳克林,T & 布拉德利,J. (2014) Florence House:  How 研究 and Advocacy Made it Happen.  新星出版社.

Rantanen T.查尔默斯·麦克劳克林,T., Toikko, T, (2014), Do Finnish Young 人 Still Support the Welfare State?, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy,

麦克劳克林,托马斯·查默斯, (2014),  Tapauskertomusten, Kaytto Sosiaalityon Koulutuksessa-(Using case statements in Social Work 教育), 完成社会工作日志

麦克劳克林,托马斯·查默斯 & 凯莱赫, 爱德华。, (2012) Wealth Accumulation and 首页ownership in the United States:  Implications of America’s Policy Interventions, 管理评审.


麦克劳克林,托马斯·查默斯, Meeting basic needs in a struggling American Economy, pp 315-330, 在Moodithaya,MS, Thingalaya, NK, 谢蒂, NS和Joshi, GV, eds (2011) Redefining the Roles of 业务, NGOs and Governments:  任务 For a Better 全球 Society, 海豹打捞器, 新德里


托马斯·查尔默斯, 麦克劳林, 2012, 结束无家可归的战略计划美国缅因州波特兰市.

托马斯·查尔默斯, 麦克劳林, 2012, Sexual Exploitation of 首页less Youth:  What We know普雷布尔街.

托马斯·查尔默斯, 麦克劳林, 2012, 首页lessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program Evaluation美国缅因州波特兰市

麦克劳克林,托马斯·查默斯 & 桑迪·巴特勒,2011年, TANF研究.  Funded by Maine Equal Justice Project, www.mejp.org

蒙代罗,M,布拉德利,J. 查尔默斯-麦克劳克林,T. 2009 全州无家可归者成本研究, funded by the Corporation for Supported Housing and the Department of 健康 and Human Services.


布拉德利,乔恩查尔默斯·麦克劳克林,托马斯(2014), Operating a low barrier teen center:  Issues and possibilities, Annual Conference on Runaway and 首页less Youth, 凤凰城, AZ.

Amato, Cynthia查尔默斯·麦克劳克林,托马斯(2014), Moving at the Speed of Sound:  Reflections in developing an online 垃圾 program, 5 years later, Invited presentation at the Council on Social Work 教育, annual program meeting, Tampa, FL

麦克劳克林,托马斯·查默斯, 布拉德利,乔恩 (2014), 7年后的洛根广场.  还便宜吗??  Second Housing First Conference, Chicago.

托马斯·查尔默斯, 麦克劳林 (2012), American Housing Policy:  Implications for homelessness.  第三届国际会议.  Nitte、印度.

托马斯·查尔默斯, 麦克劳林, (2012); The Cost of Doing Nothing:  Why providing housing to people who are homeless is cheaper than doing nothing.  Invited lecture at the Mandel School of Social 科学s, Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH

托马斯·查尔默斯, 麦克劳林, (2012); 首页 for Good Campaign, How 研究 made Florence House Happen, National Housing First Conference, New Orleans, LA, March.


Youth and adult homelessness; social welfare program best practice and program implications; cost effectivess analysis of social service systems; collective impact of social service work; mental health policy and practice analysis; non-proft fund raising.

